“Unstable” is a new Netflix series about a brilliant tech entrepreneur (think Elon Musk or Steve Jobs) who spirals after the loss of his wife. This causes his own board of directors to lose confidence in him, jeopardizing his leadership role in the company he founded himself.
In “Unstable,” the grief is glossed over, treated as a trigger for the main plot and focusing instead on their relationship as father and son, and their antics as co-workers.
Ellis’ assistant and a childhood friend of his son Jackson, convinces his son to return to Los Angeles to coax him back to work.
Unfortunate events in life, or even just plain burnout, will predictably, eventually affect the way we live, the way we work and the way we think. Sometimes it could feel like the world is closing in and we just couldn’t function the same way. Ellis, for all his brilliance, was not immune to this effect on his mental state and he finally admitted his problem: that he just couldn’t solve problems anymore.
Ellis’ career was on the line. His intelligence level wasn’t reduced in any way, but he just couldn’t uncover the solution he needed to save his job.
After major events impact us, we need to take a step backmentally, and give ourselves a reset. We need to give ourselves permission to take a break especially after life-altering events such as losses or illness – or in general anything that matters. While everyone deals differently with negative events – some want to rest completely and some want to throw themselves into a flurry of activities to keep busy, but the most important thing is to go through the process, whatever process works and is healthy for you.
Sometimes we feel like we need to achieve a certain state of mind to be able to function again.
Still racking his brain on a deadline and not accomplishing anything meaningful, Ellis admits to his son that he just doesn’t want to disappoint him. To which Jackson reassures him that the only way he would be disappointed in his father is that if he gave up.
While it’s true we don’t have much of a choice but to keep going, there are little things we can do in our routines that can help our physical and mental health.
1) Moving
Getting outside, getting some sun in the morning, maybe taking a walk, is a wellness practice that won’t cost anything.
2) Empathizing
Exercising empathy is another way to process your feelings, giving you a broader view of your situation.
3) Social Connection
The support of family, loved ones and friends can make burdens much lighter.
4) A Mission
Embracing a deep purpose can also coax you into keeping on going.
In Ellis’ company, they have the lofty goal of saving the planet by fighting climate change or at least slowing it down. The cast would remind you of “The Office” but on a grander quest.
“Unstable” is, all in all pleasantly entertaining, fun, and heartwarming. It brings a father-son relationship to light, like “Wellmania” (from our previous blog) showcases a mother-daughter relationship – albeit set in unique circumstances. Highly recommended for Father’s Day Weekend this June.
Belated happy Mother’s Day and advanced happy Father’s Day!